DispenseTool Operation and Programming
4 Days (32 Contact Hours)
Course Code: J2P0210
This course covers the basic concepts and procedures required for an operator, technician, engineer or programmer to set up test, modify and run production Sealing operations utilizing the SpotTool with the DispenseTool plugin Software package for FANUC America Corporation robots.
Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to perform the following:
-Power up and jog the robot
-Recover from common program and robot faults
-Execute production operations
-Create, modify, and execute a material handling program
-Create and execute MACROs
-Monitor, force, and simulate input and output signals
-Identifying common Dispense tool equipment configurations
-Creating common dispense tool setup configurations
-Backup and restore individual programs and files
Recommended safety procedures are integrated into all training exercises. The course consists of lectures, demonstrations, and a series of lab exercises designed to reinforce what the student has learned. In addition to lab exercises, a pre-test and a post-test are used to measure mastery of objectives.
Audience: This course is recommended for personnel involved in Sealer development, programming and maintaining programs.
Prerequisites: None
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